A Unique And Authentic Expression Of Bardolino Wine And Lake Garda

Villa Calicantus is one of the smallest winery of the Bardolino wine area: 8 hectares of vineyards surrounded by olives trees and small woods, on the top of high hills of the Bardolino Classico area, two km away from lake Garda. We produce between 30.000 and 40.000 bottles per year, depending on the weather trend of the year. We work in organic since 2011 and in biodynamic agriculture since 2014. The wines of Villa Calicantus are certified organic by Bioagricert and biodynamic by Demeter.
For us a new idea of Bardolino is based on three elements: balance, love of Nature and respect of the “terroir”.
Balance – The final goal of all the tasks we conduct in the vineyards is to have every vine in balance with the soil in which it’s rooted, with the other vines and with the grapes it produces. For this reason we labour the ground between the rows, we let grow the grass until it flowers and we reduce the quantity of grapes on every vine, depending on the weather trend, on the age of the vine and on the kind of wine we produce with it.

Love for Nature – A wine maker is nowadays considered more as a businessman the as a farmer. We have instead to rediscover the beauty and the energy that comes from Mother Earth: it has to be respected and cultivated with good judgment and foresight. Who take care of the land have to safeguard its salubrity and its fertility for the next generations. For this reason our vineyards have been worked in organic since the first year of production, 2011. Thereafter we started to work in biodynamic in 2014, as a result of a new awareness of the necessity to complete the natural path started few years before.
Respect of the “terroir” – The morainic soil of the Bardolino Classico area has peculiar characteristics to understand and to promote: this soil doesn’t permit to produce rich body and high alcohol wines, characteristics too often confused with a wine’s complexity. This is why our strictness is aimed to obtained wines in which elegance, finesse and complexity dialog each other to obtain a unique and authentic expression of the Bardolino wine and lake of Garda. We use the traditional grape varieties of Verona, Corvina Rondinella and Molinara to tell a story as new as old as the Bardolino wine.

Beside the viticulture activity, we also run a small “agriturismo”: you can come for a glass of true wine and some local products or for a tasting of all our wines and a guided tour that will bring you inside the world of the natural wine. Come to visit us for a unforgettable wine tasting in Bardolino, lake Garda! (All the infos on the WINE TASTING page).

At Villa Calicantus we want that our wines express the complexity of an unique territory as the Bardolino wine area is, where beauty, micro clima and tradition can give to life wines so fine and elegant to become unforgettable.
In order to exalt at the best this incredible mixture and to let express in every wine we make the different spirits of our vineyards, we decided to work following a parcel selection. In this way every vineyard has its wine and every wine has its vineyard: working in this way, it’s possible to get even more in the wines the differences between a vintage and an another and let yourself be surprised by the way Nature influenced our work during the different vintages.
In the winery we do not interfere with modern oenological methods like changing color, alcohol, aromas or other parameters because our goal is to try to preserve the original characteristics of the grapes and then of the wine.
We accept that Nature could or has to impose, to the vineyards first and then to the wine, certain differences between a vintage and an another, so that our work of wine maker become even more emotional and unique: we are just an interpreter of the silent language that the vineyard change every year along with Nature.

Our wines are fermented with their spontaneous yeast, as long as the vintage requires.
They are aged in concrete and wood tanks and barrels. They are not filtered. The only additive we use is sulfites in very low quantities that are between 15mg/L and 35mg/L.
Come to visit us for discover this incredible world: we organize great wine tastings that will help you do get into the natural wine world.